Severe concrete floor cracks due to poor curing usually require repairs as they can compromise the floor’s structural integrity. As such, if the process is unprofessionally done, the concrete surface is likely to suffer map cracking, whereby the surface concrete shrinks faster than the concrete below the surface due to faster drying. Concrete curing is usually done to help with moisture retention thus preventing rapid moisture loss that facilitates cracking.
In addition, when the internal tensile stress exceeds the tensile strength of the concrete, it can form gaps and crevices on your concrete floor. All the factor that facilitates drying shrinkage can also trigger and accelerate concrete cracking. It’s where plastic concrete sets, hardens, and starts to shrink by 12.5% for every 20-feet. The common cause of concrete cracks is drying shrinkage. Identifying the causes of cracks in a concrete floor is the utmost step to fix it. How do I Prevent Shrinkage Cracks on Concrete Floors?.
#Concrete slab crack repair emecole how to#
How to Fill Large Gaps in Concrete Floors.Is it Normal for Concrete Floor Slab to Crack?.